Friday, September 24, 2010

"Bringing Nature Home"....a book to make you think

I read an article by Jeff Ball in the Detroit Free Press today about the book "Bringing Nature Home"....How you can sustain wildlife with Native plants by Douglas Tallamy.  Both are worth looking at. When we eliminate nature, we face and ecological disaster that threatens human survival in this country in less than 100 years.
To sum it up, we need habitat for animals.  Remember years ago when we went for a drive at night in the summer our windshields would be splattered with all kinds of insects? Yikes!  Now I hardly ever see an insect hit my windshield.  The number of insects are way down.
Here are photos of my yard...I am trying to make as much habitat as possible.  Bees Good. Check out the book.

A monarch caterpillar on a milkweed...below, my rugosa roses bloom.  They need no herbicides or pesticides.

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