Saturday, July 7, 2012

Today in the Garden...Question Mark Butterfly...garlic flower salt, nasturtium, lily, swamp milkweed

Saw a Question Mark Butterfly for the first was right outside my breezeway door.
The top of the garlic is called a SCAPE, it has a garlic flavor.  Not as strong as the bulb.

I made garlic salt with the flowers of my garlic, staves.  I put them in the blender with sea salt or kosher salt, and whiz it up. Then I put it in a paper bag in the hot sun for a day and whiz it again.  It has a tint of green from the flower.  I keep it in a container with a little wooden spoon.

Nasturtiums love the horse manure.....very prolific this year.

beautiful swamp milkweed

1 comment:

Cathy said...

I love your pics. Especially the buds just starting to burst into flower...Thanks for sharing.