Monday, August 17, 2009

Bridal Veil Falls Remembered

It was so amazing to stand on big rocks, downstream from the falls. It was June of '83, the wettest time of the year in California. I was fresh out of graduate school....seems like yesterday. I took this photo with a twin lens reflex camera that I paid a dollar for at a garage sale. It took the coolest photos, because they were black and white, large square format, and there was a little blur in the lens that added a little artsy quality. I just found this negative this week and had this new batch made into a CD. I am almost done with my Yosemite StoryBook....can't wait to order it. I think I will get one for my brother too.

1 comment:

robin laws said...

thanks for coming over to see me today laura. Your 6 word autobiography is a perfect and suits you approach to life so well! "just say yes to this moment!" brilliant!

that is a great old photograph..well not that old. i have no film experience and i am afraid if i had started back then i would have quit out of frustration. good thing this is the digital age!