Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Harvest in the Garden

It is mid October and the garden is winding down.  The trees are a bit late, some are on the green side. The Treemendous Maple is still going strong, as it loses more and more of its mass. Must be the warm weather we have had that has kept the tree a bit green.
Lots of tomatoes on the vines, the black and yellow heirlooms were spectacular this year.  Tons of yield from them.  Roasted more yesterday and have lots to give away.
Got horse manure delivered from a neighbor and Dan is putting in the new beds for next year.  I am expanding the garden so I can have more ears of corn.
I put some bean seeds in late and they are still producing.  A great bean year too.
Got turnips, white carrots, beans, beets, tomatoes, onions, hot peppers, chamomile, and red chard. Got 2 parsnips but Poppy ate them.  A beautiful warm day in October.

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